"". "". "". You Give Me Butter Flies E-Session with Peter + Nikki By W Photography | W Photography

You Give Me Butter Flies E-Session with Peter + Nikki By W Photography

Wednesday, September 7, 2016
                                                          The Story
Peter and Nikki meet two years ago where they worked in the same office. Nikki, was just a temp at the time and after a week passed, Peter approached Nikki ( Nikki says "I thought he was so cute"). They instantly hit it off, Peter asked Nikki out on two dates, where the first date he surprised her with a beautiful horse and carriage ride. Nikki was so taken away with his creativity and charm he gave her butterflies. Nikki and Peter had been praying during there two years of dating that God would reveal marriage into their future. Then a surprising proposal on April 22, 2016 at Grand Lux restaurant Peter asked for Nikki's hand in marriage and she said Yes! When we meet Nikki and Peter we could tell love was truly in the air Nikki and Peter could not stop smiling as they told us there story of how they meet. We were more than honored that Nikki and Peter choose us to photograph there engagement session and we look forward to photographing their wedding next year in April.


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