"". "". "". Hale State Fair Senior Glam Shoot | W Photography

Hale State Fair Senior Glam Shoot

Saturday, October 3, 2015
Words can not express the joy I feel for this young lady, I have watched you from when you took  your first breathe into this world till now saying good bye to high-school and hello to your adult life. I truly don't know where has all the time has gone, but you have blossom into a beautiful young lady inside and out. To create these memories of you were more a joy and special moment for me and I'm so proud to call you my daughter, our family is bless to have you and we are excited that you have choose to apply atThe New School Of New York and Berklee College Of Music in Boston. We know you will make us proud and we can't wait to see what the future holds for you.


  1. I love these! How did you get the Texas State Fair all to yourself?

    1. Thanks Nathan we went on Senior Citizen day during the day while folks at school and work, I took her out of school that day.. It was a great day to go... Hardly anyone there, thanks for the love..


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